"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Monday, August 13, 2012

A little comfort for this crazy weather

The weather has been unusually hot the past few days.. making me sweaty and sticky even early in the morning..
Sigh. This is seriously unbearable. What is going on?
Would want to keep the air-con turned on the entire day! But no, I do not want my electric bills to explode, so not worth spending such money!

Feeling a little moody today.. thinking abt the past & some issues that's in my heart stir up certain emotions.. there's too much to write abt this, mayb I'll share it nxt time...

Oh wells, just looking forward to seeing the husband soon as he comes back from work and bring back dinner. :)
& later, a nice drink or even dessert at Coffee Club when I meet up wif my dearest cuz!

For now, just gonna share some photos of the recent comfort food I've been eating... :)

I'm not a big fan of Yan Yan, but particularly like this milk flavoured one.
The sweet vanilla cream tastes like white chocolate dip! Especially if you chill it a little in the fridge - tastes like biscuits with white chocolate ice cream! Heavenly! :)

Nutella Nutella Nutella. Isn't it everyone's favourite spread?
It is no doubt my childhood fave.
Nutella on soft fluffy bread - Such simple comfort.
I nearly devoured the entire loaf of bread with it.

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