"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Friday, August 3, 2012

Joy, Unspeakable Joy

It has been such a long long while since I last blogged..
Looking at my previous posts brought back so much memories :)

Indeed, in the last 1 yr or so, many things have changed and we have all, in one way or other, grown (I hope! ;p)
I guessed the most important and significant change that has occurred in my life, would be that of being pregnant, and then becoming a mother! :)
By the grace of God, our beautiful darling little girl entered our lives in April tis yr, and is now a good 3month old! :)
Watching her grow day by day, just adds so much joy to my life, and I pray that she will always be a constant reminder to me of God's love and grace for me.

As I'm still on maternity leave, and will continue to be on extended leave until my husband finishes his exams (end of this year), I have decided that maybe it's time to come back to blogging! (Esp now that I have so much time at home to do this, Ha).
Not that the life of a full time stay home mummy is that interesting, but I hope my life and the reality of what I share here will be an inspiration and an encouragement for you! :)

And as I think about reviving this blog, I would also like to make this blog a time of thanksgiving for myself to the Lord who has loved and remained faithful to me all this while, blessing me beyond what I could ever ask for.
I pray that I will always remain thankful, always remembering His goodness and grace, never forgetting how far He has brought me.
May this blog always be a reminder to me of who God is, & what He has done for me.

As I write this post, the chorus of Chris Tomlin's Unspeakable Joy' lyrics came to my mind..
So, I shall end off with them:

Joy, Unspeakable Joy
An overflowing well
No tongue can tell
Joy, Unspeakable Joy
Rises in my soul, never lets me go

Indeed, only in Him, there is fullness of Joy.

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