"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's the Bunny Year!

Strangely, I seem to be having some mixed feelings abt CNY this year..
On one hand, im happy and looking forward to celebrating CNY with my new extended family (ie. My husband’s family), yet on the other, there seems to be a tinge of moodiness which I cant really pinpoint why.. just dun seem to feel the CNY atmosphere as much this year as compared to previously..
Maybe because im staying on my own now, and am alone in the house most of the time, so the excitement which I used to share with my siblings at my old house seems to be lost? Or could it be because I’ve not been working for the past months, and CNY (and so the CNY holidays) has become just like any other days, and so dun seem so special and so yearned after anymore?

Oh wells… or could it just be due to the usual female hormonal changes?? Haha.

In fact, I should be especially happy since it’s the first year the husband and I are celebrating this occasion as a married couple.. but thinking abt the fact that my husband needs to work tmrw night, yes, on Day One of CNY, AND the weekend (!!!!), makes me miss him already… Sigh.

Ok, I was reminded not to get into my usual melancholic mood again.. Gotta see things on the bright side and enjoy this festival as much as I can.
Gonna bring out all the CNY goodies which I bought, hopefully that will add some excitement and lift up the CNY spirit in this place!!

Happy CNY everyone!! :)

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