"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Comfort

This is solely for decorative purpose, NOT image of the Matcha Sundae which i ate

Had a superb Jap food feast at Tampopo (the Liang Court branch) this evening with my parents! How sweet of them! :)
Totally satisfied my sashimi craving!

& it was also the first time I tried Uni!!!
I dunno what gave me the courage to try, but I must say it is an acquired taste and I do quite like it, somewhat sweet, and melts in your mouth..
Definitely gonna try it again in future. :)

We had 3 different types of desserts, shared with my dearest sister – the light Jap cheese cake, the Scoop cake (which is a vanilla fruit cake topped with a generous helping of fresh cream), and a Matcha sundae.
The cakes tasted quite ordinary, but the green tea sundae was YUM! :)
 We were seriously filled to the brim after that. :)

Food aside, what I really enjoyed most tonight, was the companionship with my family, which I hold dear to my heart..
Really enjoyed my time with my parents and my dearest little sister, they really provided me so much comfort during this time when my husband will be away most of the time due to his work.
Their love and warmth gave me so much strength.
I really thank God for my family, beyond what words can say.

With my husband having to work evening shifts most of the time these months, this season may not be easy as I will need to handle many things on my own, and will need to grow in independence.
But I know, God and my family will always be by my side.

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