"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Friday, January 14, 2011

I love my curls! :)

Pls dun be mistaken, this is just a representative of my curls! :p

Recently, I decided to do something bold, something exciting. I decided to perm my hair. & I love it!! Haha :)

I’ve always had straight hair, and while others need to do multiple rebondings, mine comes naturally.
And many have told me how envious they are.

Please dun be mistaken, I love my straight hair. I’ve always thought, and still think it is truly a blessing from God!
But it has come to a point where im starting to get a little bored with them. Think abt it, they have accompanied me for more than 25 yrs! (I dowan to reveal my age. Ha. :p).
Even my hairstylist grumbled that I need a change.

Ok, but you see, permed hair seriously does not sound very appealing yah? I mean, since I was young, I always had this impression that permed hair will make us look like our mothers or grandmas, with those short curls that made them look 10 yrs older.
Yah, that was the kind of impression that curly hair has on me. My husband, too, has a phobia for curly hair! And whenever I suggest it to him, he’s always more than discouraging. :p That is why I am always hesitant to curl my hair.

But last Saturday, (I think I must have been really and utterly bored either with my iron-straight hair or with my life), that I decided to try something bold.
I do not know what got over me, but after only some persuasion by my hairstylist (he’s someone I could trust with my hair), I promptly decided to do a body perm to spice up my life.
Or maybe it was his comment, “dun be so boring lah”, that nudged me to take that risk!

Surprisingly, the perm came out quite well! I love my new big curls!
They looked natural and gave my hair some volume so they dun look so dull! :)
The husband, who was initially shocked and anxious, when I told him over a sms that im gonna perm my hair, liked them too! :)
I didn’t look old, just looked more trendy and lively! :)

So, change can be good! & what we always think is bad, may not be really bad afterall!
Sometimes, it also takes courage for us to discover the good and beautiful things that could be in store for us ahead.
Risks can be worth taking! :)

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