"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Friday, January 14, 2011

Can't stop thinking abt it

Somehow, i’ve been craving quite abit for sashimi recently..
I must say its an acquired taste, and I only started liking them some time back in 2010, prob in Sept.

I don’t take all kinds of sashimi, only some, as there’s still some form of resistance in me in eating raw food. :)

There's also one criteria i have for sashimi - they HAVE to be fresh.
It's not difficult for me to detect a stale fish; they taste awful and mushy! 
The fresh ones on the contrary, are cool and refreshing.. some even melt in your mouth! :) 
& it's these fresh sashimi which have won me over. :)

So far, salmon sashimi is my favourite. Ok, I know im rather boring.. but im not a risk taker and am a person who does not like exotic food.. ebi sashimi and scallops are the furthest I would go.. Have tried yellowtail and tuna sashimi as well, but salmon sashimi is most yummy to me.

My next challenge will be to try Uni, which my dad and siblings love. But right now, I still dun have that courage to mouth it. Im sorry to say, they looked kinda slimy to me.. the colour reminds me of sulphur.. haha.

Im going for a Japanese buffet dinner tmrw night  with my in-laws at Hanabi Japanese Restaurant! Just on time to satisfy my sashimi cravings.
My husband said their food is quite good, shall try tmrw and comment! :)
Hopefully I’ll rem to take photos!!
Am getting excited! Hee :p

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