"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I will always praise You

I was feeling really down, helpless, defeated, and all the ugly or negative words you can find to describe a despondent person..
Then the Lord shook me out of my misery and put this song in my mind.

Made to praise You
I was made to praise You
I was made to glorify Your name
In every circumstance
To find a chance to thank You

I was made to love You
I was made to worship at Your feet
And to obey You Lord
I was made for You

I will always praise You
I will always glorify Your name
In every circumstance
To find a chance to thank You

I will always love You
I will always worship at Your feet
And to obey You Lord
I was made for You

Was really touched and ministered.
How the words changed from “I was made to praise You, I was made…” to “I will always praise You, I will always glorify Your name…”
It spoke to me, and taught me that it is only through knowing what God has made us for, our purpose and  identity in Him, that will change our hearts.
It will give us faith and strength, even in the toughest times, we will choose and will always praise God.
I will always praise You Lord.

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