"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Friday, December 31, 2010

Simple joy - Char Bee Hoon

I have always liked bee hoon, be it fried, in gravy or in soup. One of my favourite breakfast/ lunch choices, has to be the economic fried bee hoon (or some people call it the Char Bee Hoon; 'Char' means 'fried' in Hokkien), on top of the usual unhealthy roti prata, curry puffs and wanton mee. :)
And now and then, I’ll have my cravings for it.

The dark coloured bee hoon fried with dark soy sauce, topped with luncheon meat and fried egg, with blachan chilli or sambal chilli – Yums! Just makes a perfect meal for me!

Now, enough of the economic fried bee hoon.
There is another variety of fried bee hoon which i like - Xing Zhou Fried Bee Hoon.

Instead of the usual plain economic fried bee hoon (the toppings are chosen/ added according to preference), this has bean sprouts, vegetables, char siew or some even has shredded chicken fried together in it.

My guess is that it’s probably a ‘singaporean’ style fried bee hoon, one in which you can add any ingredients and fry it together with the bee hoon. :)
And anything fried – what can go wrong?

Bought this for brunch one day at a nearby coffeeshop near my work place - Xing Zhou Fried Bee Hoon.
Tasted just average, a little bland I thought.
I think I can do better. Ha!
Ok, this shall be my motivation to try cooking it next time! :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Haagan Dazs Madness

Just bought 2 tubs of Haagan Dazs ice cream home! Strawberry Cheesecake and Caramel biscuit & Cream!       

They are REALLY good!! *Thumbs up!!* :)
Even the husband, who usually doesnt like me to eat too much desserts, cant resist and asked for more even though he was full to the max after dinner.. Yes, this is how good they taste!

We like the Strawberry Cheesecake flavour slightly more.
The creamy strawberry cheesecake flavour with chunks of biscuit crusts in the ice cream.. *drools* :p

Totally satisfies my craving for cheesecake and ice cream all at one time.

Have this urge for Coffee and Run & Raisin ice cream too.. Shall get them next! :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

I love cakes!

I’ve been eating a lot of cakes recently.
My favourites so far are Starbucks Peach Souffle Cheesecake and the Apple Raisin wheat muffin! Yums!!

The Peach Souffle Cheesecake is their seasonal special, and is a ‘must try’! It tastes so good!

Thick slices of juicy peaches in a light yet tangy cheesecake with a twist of yogurt! I cant get enough of it, could have devoured 2 whole cheesecakes on my own!! :p
The only drawback is the price. Each slice costs abt $6.30 if I didn’t remember wrongly.

Didnt get to take a photo of the Apple Raisin muffin though, as I was too engrossed in my eating. Haha. Next time, if I could remember! :)

Took a photo of the Soy Banana muffin instead. It wasn’t that fantastic, the banana taste was not too strong, tastes just average.

The muffins cost abt $3.30 each, quite pricey for a muffin, though the serving is rather huge.

So far, I’ve eaten like 4 muffins and 2 cheesecakes in a span of abt 4 days, which is really not very healthy! Time to exercise some self control!!
But, I LOVE CAKES!!!!! :p

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pandan comfort

Spent a nice and quiet Christmas night with the husband.. with a warm and simple dinner at the airport..
Lovely time spent, just chatting and spending time together as we stroll along terminal 2.

Walked past Kedai KueKue, a shop that sells authentic Indonesian cakes and crackers, decided to give their pandan cake a try.

The pandan flavoured sponge cake did not disappoint indeed. It was light and fluffy, not too sweet, a nice after-dinner treat! :)

But I think I still prefer Bengawan Solo’s Pandan cake, which is slightly softer in texture (I thought so) and has a slightly stronger pandan fragrance.

But whatever it is, I always like pandan cakes – my childhood comfort food! :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ham & Cheese French Toast

Made a nice breakfast for the husband yesterday!
French toast with ham and cheese.

I added the cheese to the French toast while it is still hot, this helps melt the cheese and adds to the taste!
See the hot melted cheese oozing out of the thick layers of ham??
The husband loves it! :)

Gonna make Tang yuan with sweet potato dessert next! :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Snacking tooo much..

My flu seemed to have worsened today.. coughing a lot more with more phlegm in my throat… must have overindulged in my snacks….

Been snacking on Honey Dijon Kettle chips and assorted nuts!

Bought this some time ago at cold storage on offer.
There was a tinge of sweetness in the chips, tasted really good!

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Somehow, I have this craving for nuts recently, been snacking on pecan, walnuts, almonds and peanuts.. all not good for my throat! & that explains why im sounding like a frog!

Oh well, to abstain myself from food… that’s difficult to imagine… Hope I will get well soon...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Temptations - they are REAL.

Now, I just had lunch and just as I thought I was feeling quite full, I walked past this dessert shop at Siglap Centre, that sells nonya kuehs.

Those cute little plump ang ku kuehs and ondeh ondeh just kept staring at me.. (well ok, I was the one who kept staring at them. Ahem). Suddenly I felt hungry again, as though my lunch had just gone down the drain!

I tried to control myself, remembering how I have been eating way too much snacks and sweet desserts the past wk, and what my husband warned me last night – to take gd care of my health, to eat more healthily, for him, for our future children, and most imptly, for God.
There was a battle going on in my mind – should I, should I not???

Now, im back at my work place, just a storey above that dessert shop…. But I cant seem to stop thinking about those chubby looking kuehs….. temptations, they are REAL…..
Should I, should I not?????

Haha. What would you do? :p

Monday, December 20, 2010

Creamy sweet cream

I don’t usually like cream and creamy food has never been my cup of tea.
But somehow, I seemed to have a sudden craving for cream cakes and cream biscuits these days..

So I pampered myself with a nice coffee swiss roll with coffee flavoured cream last wk, but forgot to take pictures..  the sweet cream embedded between layers of coffee flavoured sponge cake just left me craving for more.. :)

Flu got slightly worse today, almost losing my voice. Gotta stay home with no mood to cook.
Thank God for my mother-in-law, who bought me a huge tin of Khong Guan biscuits some time back - just in time to satisfy my yearnings for ‘sweet cream’!

Each bite just tastes so good! YUMS! :)

These gems really added comfort to my stay at home today.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Outbreak!

I had an outbreak abt 2-3 wks ago.. the pimples could have healed and my glowing complexion restored… BUT… my itchy fingers had delayed the healing process… *sigh*

I had this terrible habit of wanting to ‘squeeze’ my pimples and so can you imagine how disastrous it is? Yes, I really, REALLY regret what I have done and am praying soooo incredibly hard that an accelerated healing be upon my face.
My husband laughed at me and that just made me all the more determined to regain my beautiful complexion. Haha.
But he did say something that made sense. He said no matter how hard God may be already healing my pimples, I have been destroying His work with my ‘itchy fingers’!
 Ok, so now, I am making this resolution to STOP fiddling with my face and let God do His perfect work on it.

A lesson learnt à God may have already started doing some things we have prayed for in our life! But sometimes, due to our own impatience, and in our attempts to accelerate things, we are actually destroying His work and in turn delaying the whole process.
So, stop interfering with God’s work. “Hands off” and let God complete His perfect work!
Amen! :)

"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." ~ E. M. Forester

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Faith, Hope, Love. And the greatest of these is Love.

Christmas Magic - a magic performance organized by my church.
Reminds me of the purpose of Christmas, which is so easily forgotten these days – it is to celebrate the birth of a Saviour, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
He is the reason for Christmas.
It is a season of faith, hope and love.

As I was reminded of these, thought of this loving song, which never fails to touch my heart.

We are the reason

As little children we would dream of Christmas morn
And all the gifts and toys we knew we'd find
But we never realized a baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives

And we were the reason that He gave His life
We were the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live

As the years went by we learned more about gifts
And giving of ourselves and what that means
On a dark and cloudy day a man hung crying
in the rain
Because of love, because of love

And we are the reason that He gave His life
We are the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live

I finally found the reason for living
It's in giving every part of my heart to Him
In all that I do every word that I say
I'll be giving my all just for Him
For Him

And we are the reason that He gave His life
We are the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
He is my reason to live

Father God, help us always remember this reason for Christmas.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Breakfast Sandwich

I always enjoy making breakfast for the husband. But due to our busy time schedule, breakfast is usually kept to the simplest.
But I’ll usually try to make something nice for him at least once a wk.

Here’s one example of one nutritious breakfast sandwich I made - with ham, egg and tomatoes!

There are a few options on how the egg can be done – hard boiled, sunnyside up, omelette, scrambled – up to you to choose.
I used honey baked ham here, and decided to pan-fry them to bring out the aroma.
Tomato slices are added for a healthy touch.

It is relatively simple and easy to make, and most importantly, the husband loves it! :)
Hoping to make french toast or pancakes next! :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Eating is a blessing! :)

I love to eat, really love to eat! Esp nice desserts and pastries – I love them!
Snacks are one of my favourites too. But getting pass the approval of the husband for those chips/ sweets, has been an issue.

Nevertheless, I love trying out good food with my husband!
Not only is he there to help share out the calories, it is also a reason for me to order more food to try!
Since he is not as crazy or fussy about food compared to me, I get to decide where to dine, well, most of the time!

Ever since I got married (which is not so long ago.. haha) and moved into our new home, I’ve been attempting to cook!
Maybe it’s the natural womanly instinct in me, there is this sudden, unexplainable urge and desire to want to cook for the man of my life, the one I love, to make him happy, to feed him well!

So, even as I blog about my life, my thoughts and the many other events of my life, do also expect this blog to be filled with many photos of yummy food and my cooking adventures!