"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Friday, December 31, 2010

Simple joy - Char Bee Hoon

I have always liked bee hoon, be it fried, in gravy or in soup. One of my favourite breakfast/ lunch choices, has to be the economic fried bee hoon (or some people call it the Char Bee Hoon; 'Char' means 'fried' in Hokkien), on top of the usual unhealthy roti prata, curry puffs and wanton mee. :)
And now and then, I’ll have my cravings for it.

The dark coloured bee hoon fried with dark soy sauce, topped with luncheon meat and fried egg, with blachan chilli or sambal chilli – Yums! Just makes a perfect meal for me!

Now, enough of the economic fried bee hoon.
There is another variety of fried bee hoon which i like - Xing Zhou Fried Bee Hoon.

Instead of the usual plain economic fried bee hoon (the toppings are chosen/ added according to preference), this has bean sprouts, vegetables, char siew or some even has shredded chicken fried together in it.

My guess is that it’s probably a ‘singaporean’ style fried bee hoon, one in which you can add any ingredients and fry it together with the bee hoon. :)
And anything fried – what can go wrong?

Bought this for brunch one day at a nearby coffeeshop near my work place - Xing Zhou Fried Bee Hoon.
Tasted just average, a little bland I thought.
I think I can do better. Ha!
Ok, this shall be my motivation to try cooking it next time! :)

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