"Whom have I in heaven but You?

And earth has nothing I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever."

- Psalms 73:25-26

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Eating is a blessing! :)

I love to eat, really love to eat! Esp nice desserts and pastries – I love them!
Snacks are one of my favourites too. But getting pass the approval of the husband for those chips/ sweets, has been an issue.

Nevertheless, I love trying out good food with my husband!
Not only is he there to help share out the calories, it is also a reason for me to order more food to try!
Since he is not as crazy or fussy about food compared to me, I get to decide where to dine, well, most of the time!

Ever since I got married (which is not so long ago.. haha) and moved into our new home, I’ve been attempting to cook!
Maybe it’s the natural womanly instinct in me, there is this sudden, unexplainable urge and desire to want to cook for the man of my life, the one I love, to make him happy, to feed him well!

So, even as I blog about my life, my thoughts and the many other events of my life, do also expect this blog to be filled with many photos of yummy food and my cooking adventures!


  1. i created a blog also!!! HAHA out of boredom.

  2. Haha!! Yah, i saw!! Its v nice! :)
    Love you so much!
    But i cant leave a comment on your blog leh..
